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Eu também tenho um sonho...
I Have A Dream!

“When we allow freedom ring,
when we let it ring from every
village and every hamlet, from
every state and every city, we
will be able to speed up that
day when all of God’s children,
black men and white men, Jews
and Gentiles, Protestants and
Catholics, will be able to join
hands and sing in the words of
the old Negro spiritual: Free at
last! Free at last!”.
Professor Martin Luther King Jr.
A palhaçada tem que continuar, não é? A carapaça vai ficando mais dura...
"Ooh hey, yeah
Hush, just stop
There’s nothing you can do or say, baby
I’ve had enough
I’m not your property as from today, baby
You might think that I won't make it on my own
But now I’m…
Stronger than yesterday
Now it’s nothing but my way
My loneliness ain’t killing me no more
I’m stronger
That I ever thought that I could be, baby
I used to go with the flow
Didn’t really care ‘bout me
You might think that I can’t take it, but you’re wrong
‘Cause now I’m…
Stronger than yesterday
Now it’s nothing but my way
My loneliness ain’t killing me no more
I’m stronger
Come on, now
Oh, yeah
Here I go, on my own
I don’t need nobody, better off alone
Here I go, on my own now
I don’t need nobody, not anybody
Here I go, alright, here I go
[Repeat CHORUS]
Stronger than yesterday
Now it’s nothing but my way
My loneliness ain’t killing me no more
I’m stronger"
Que Puta de Vida! Que Vida de Puta!
"I´m strong on the surface, not all the way through.
I've never been perfect, and neither have you."
Say..."I Am Wonderful"
"The person that you were has died
You've lost the sparkle in your eyes
You fell for life - into its traps
Now you wanna bridge the gaps
Now you wanna bridge the gaps
Now you want that person back
And all your amunition's gone
Run out of fuel to carry on
You don't know what you wanna do
You've got no pull to pull you through
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
If what you've lost cannot be found
And the weight of the world weighs you down
No longer with the will to fly
You stop to let it pass you by
Don't stop to let it pass you by
You've gotta look yourself in the eye
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
Oh you are
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
Cause we are all miracles
wrapped up in chemicals
We are incredible
Don't take it for granted, no
We are all miracles
Oh we are
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
Oh you are
Don't take it for granted, no
We are all miracles
wrapped up, yeah we're wrapped up
Oh we are wonderful"
Garry Go in "Wonderful"
What I Am
No silêncio da noite
Pega na minha mão e eu te levarei
Onde tu nunca imaginaste sonhar
Sentir-te-ás tão bem
E quando o sofrimento desaparecer
Olha em volta
E verás até onde conseguiste chegar
Quando tudo tiver sido dito e feito
Recorda-te apenas da tua voz interior
Que te diz que tu és especial
Tu és ouro!
Vive para os teus Sonhos
Vive para o teu Amor
Desiste de tudo o que nunca começaste
Vive para a tua Alma
Vive para a tua Esperança
Desiste das tuas lágrimas e mágoas
Agarra a oportunidade
E tenta voar
Abre as tuas asas
Talvez assim te vejam
Como uma estrela brilhante
E sê a cura para a tua própria Luz
Com trovões e relâmpagos
Parece ser excitante
Mas nunca te esqueças de quem és
Porque o caos e a distração
Originam a frustração
Lembra-te sempre do teu coração
Tu és ouro!
Vive para os teus Sonhos
Vive para o teu Amor
Desiste de tudo o que nunca começaste
Vive para a tua Alma
Vive para a tua Esperança
Desiste das tuas lágrimas e mágoas
Eu quero ser...
Eu tenho que ser...
Eu vou ser...
Eu vou ser...
Tradução livre de "Gold" by Antoine Clamaran
Está na hora de seguir em frente!
There's only so much you can learn in one place
Existe sempre tanto para aprender em algum lugar
The more that I wait, the more time that I waste
Quanto mais espero, mais tempo perco
I haven't got much time to waste
Eu não tenho muito tempo a perder
It's time to make my way
Está na hora de seguir caminho
I'm not afraid of what I'll face
Não temo o que virá
But I'm afraid to stay
Mas tenho medo de ficar aqui
I'm going down my own road and I can make it alone
Vou seguir o meu caminho e consigo fazê-lo sozinha
I'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my own
Vou trabalhar, vou batalhar, até encontrar o meu lugar
Are you ready to jump
Estás pronta para saltar?
Get ready to jump
Prepara-te para saltar
Don't ever look back oh baby
E não olhes para trás
Yes, I'm ready to jump
Sim, eu estou pronta para saltar
Just take my hand
Então segura a minha mão
Get ready to jump
E prepara-te para saltar
We learned our lesson from the start
Nós aprendemos a lição desde o início
My sisters and me
As minhas irmãs e eu
The only thing you can depend on
A única coisa em que podes confiar
Is your family
É na tua familia
Life's gonna drop you down like a limb from a tree
A vida vai-te fazer cair como um galho de uma árvore
It sways and it swings and it bends until it makes you see
Que abana e balança e dobra, até abrires os olhos e veres
Are you ready to jump
Estás pronta para saltar?
Get ready to jump
Prepara-te para saltar
Don't ever look back oh baby
E não olhes para trás
Yes, I'm ready to jump
Sim, eu estou pronta para saltar
Just take my hand
Então segura a minha mão
Get ready to jump
E prepara-te para saltar
Are you ready?
Estás preparada?
There's only so much you can learn in one place
Existe sempre tanto para aprender em algum lugar
The more that you wait
Quanto mais esperas
The more time that you waste
Mais tempo perdes
I'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my own
Vou trabalhar, vou batalhar, até encontrar o meu lugar
It sways and it swings and it bends until you make it your own
Que abana e balança e dobra até abrires os olhos e veres
I can make it alone [repeat]
Eu consigo fazê-lo sozinha
(my sisters and me)
As minhas irmãs e eu
[Chorus X2]
Are you ready to jump
Estás pronta para saltar?
Get ready to jump
Prepara-te para saltar
Don't ever look back oh baby
E não olhes para trás
Yes, I'm ready to jump
Sim, eu estou pronta para saltar
Just take my hand
Então segura a minha mão
get ready to jump
E prepara-te para saltar
Are you ready?
Estás preparada?
Quem salta comigo?
Mind-blowing "Sensation"
"There is a place within all of us;
A place of vision and clarity,
where the rhythm of Life moves in harmony
with a higher consciousness.
The purpose of music is to take you there."
I Believe in You, Kylie
I don't believe you know me
Although you know my name
I don't believe the faults I have
Are only mine to blame
I don't believe that magic
It's only in the mind
I don't believe i'd love somebody
Just to pass the time
But I believe in you
And I believe in you
I don't believe that beauty
Will ever be replaced
I don't believe a masterpiece
Could ever match your face
The joker's always smiling
In every hand that's dealt
I don't believe that when you die
Your presence isn’t felt
But I believe in you
And I believe in you
But I believe in you
And I believe in you
And if you ever have to go away
Nothing in my world could ever be the same
Nothing lasts for ever, but together 'til then
I'll give you everything I am again and again
'Cause I believe in you, I believe in,
I Believe in you, I Believe in,
I Believe in you, I believe in,
I believe in you, I Believe in,
'Cause I believe in you
And I believe in you
But I believe in you
And I believe in you
I believe in you, I Believe in
I believe in you, I Believe in
I believe in you, I Believe in
I believe in you, I Believe in
I believe, I believe, I believe in you....
(yes, I do)
Simplify, simplify!

The story of a love is not important - what is
important is that one is capable of love.
"Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possibly not born until they arrive."
Anaïs Nin
(Obrigada A)
Duffy --- Stepping Stone
"I’ll be better way back way back when
I said i never wanna see your face again
Cause you were loving yes you’re loving somebody else
And i knew oh yes i knew i couldn’t control myself
And now they bring you back into my life again
And so i put on a face just like your friends
But i think you know oh yes you know what’s going on
Cause the feelings in me oh yes in me are burning strong
But i will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I’m standing upright on my own…
You still call me up from time to time
And it would be so hard for me not to cross the line
The words of love lie on my lips just like a curse
And i knew oh yes i knew they’d only make it worse
And now you have the nerve to play along
Just like the bistro beats in your song
You got your kicks you get your kicks from playing me
And the less you give the more i want so foolishly
But i will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I’m standing upright on my own…"
(“Porque a felicidade depende da capacidade de nos assumirmos perante a vida, de nos permitirmos sentir inteiros, dessa liberdade que aprendemos, pouco a pouco, de ser o que somos verdadeiramente. Tudo aquilo que nos acrescentamos livres faz-nos crescer por dentro. Quando sabemos quem somos é mais fácil encontrar o que nos faz falta. Ser feliz é encontrar o que nos desejamos instintivamente.”
Always )
Considerações, dissertações e outras questões...II
Pessoalmente acho mais grave a não-existência do que a perda. A perda significa que estamos vivos e vivemos na guerra. Enfrentamos as batalhas e perdemos. Mas não desistimos porque é essa adrenalina (o sentimento e a vontade de vencer) que nos mantém lúcidos. Enquanto que a não-existência é morte. É sair do jogo, desistir. Desistir é falta de fé. Falta de fé é falta de amor. E falta de amor é não existir. Porque o Amor é vida.
E assim...
Vivemos a vida inteira num só dia. Vivemos um dia numa vida inteira.
“To see a world in a Grain of Sand,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.”
William Blake
Uma Arte
The art of losing isn't hard to master;
(a arte de perder não é dificil de dominar)
so many things seem filled with the intent
(Tantas coisas cheias de intenção)
to be lost that their loss is no disaster,
(De se perderem, que a sua perda não é nenhum desastre)
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
(perde qualquer coisa todos os dias. Aceita o aborrecimento)
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
(De perder chaves, a hora mal passada)
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
(A arte de perder não é dificil de dominar)
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
(depois pratica perdendo mais, perdendo frequentemente)
places, and names, and where it was you meant
(Lugares, e nomes, e sítios onde)
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
(gostavas de ir. Nada disto trará desastre)
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
(perdi o relogio da minha mãe. E olha! A minha ultima)
next-to-last, of three beloved houses went.
(ou penultima das três queridas casas foi-se)
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
(A arte de perder não é dificil de dominar)
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
(perdi duas cidades, amadas. E mais,)
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
(Alguns reinos que tinha, dois rios, um continente)
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
(Sinto-lhes a falta, mas não foi nenhum desastre)
Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
(mesmo perdendo-te – a voz alegre, o gesto)
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
(que eu amo – não devia ter mentido. É evidente)
the art of losing's not too hard to master
(A arte de perder não é tão dificil de dominar)
though it may look like (Write it!) a disaster.
apesar de parecer (escreve!) um desastre.
Elizabeth Bishop, poet
(tradução livre)
Perder é uma arte? Acho que lhe estou a ganhar o jeito...
Nature's Law , by Embrace
"I tried to fight the feeling, the feeling took me down,
I struggled and I lost the day you knocked me out,
Now everything’s got meaning and meanings bring me down,
I’m watching as a screening of my life plays out.
Every day I fight these feelings,
For your sake I will hide the real thing,
You can run all your life, all mine I will chase...
You should never fight your feelings,
When your very bones believe it,
You should never fight your feelings,
You have to follow nature’s law.
I’ll live with never knowing, if knowing’s gonna change,
I’ll stop the feeling growing, I will stay away,
Like a broken record stuck before a song,
A million beginnings, none of them the one.
Every day I fight these feelings,
For your sake I will hide the real thing,
You can run all your life, all mine I will chase...
You should never fight your feelings,
When your very bones believe it,
You should never fight your feelings,
You have to follow nature’s law.
I wrote her letters and tried to send them,
In a bottle I placed my hope,
An SOS full of good intentions sinking,
Will you give it to me,
Don’t make me wait,
You build me up, knocked me down,
But I will stand my ground,
And guide this light that I’ve found.
You should never fight your feelings,
When your very bones believe it,
If you let them show, you’ll keep them
I know you're hurt but soon you'll rise again,again,again...
You should never fight your feelings,
When your very bones believe it,
You should never fight your feelings,
You have to follow nature’s law."
(my mistake, thinking this could have been...)